TOPIC: How do you know when you're legitimately overwhelmed?
This episode, your hosts catch up on Florida, schedule and sleep consistency, ladders vs. walls, travel mania, and the fraught landscape of personal device security.
Your hosts respond to listener feedback and questions regarding feeling overwhelmed and dealing with dumb clocks.
Links for this episode:
Formstack (Visit for a free trial and to receive a promo code for 25% off your first three months).
SendPro from Pitney Bowes (Visit to learn more, and when you sign up you’ll get SendPro FREE for 90 days, you’ll get a free 10-pound scale, and when your free trial is over, you’ll get SendPro for only $5 a month).
Blue Apron (Check out this week’s menu and get your first three meals FREE—with FREE SHIPPING—by going to