I’ve heard this story a thousand times before . . .
You go on a date with someone and hit it off. Things seem to be going well, and pretty soon, you're seeing each other all the time. You text them daily, make plans for the future, and every time their name pops up on your phone, you feel a surge of happiness and excitement.
That very same excitement keeps hitting new peaks until, suddenly, you feel a shift. They grow more and more distant, and at first you're not sure whether you're imagining it or whether they really are pulling away. You double down on effort and communication, but it only seems to drive them further away until eventually they call it a day and stops messaging altogether.
If this has ever happened to you, then you know it can drive you crazy working out how to act when someone is clearly pulling away from you.
But as it turns out, there is a right way and a wrong way to proceed when this happens, and it can determine whether someone stays or goes.
In today’s episode, I’ll share with you the #1 reason why people pull away and a high-value way to respond to it.
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