233: As a creative, “money” can sound like a curse word. UGH - money?! We want to be FREE. FLOWY. LIBERATED. If we could just not think about money and focus on our art, we’d be living in our dream world, right? WRONG.
Money is something you have to think about or deal with every. single. day. Why not face it head on, and learn to have a relationship with it, or better yet, become financially BALLER?
In today’s solo episode, Chelsea shares:
Getting your money right will not only help your creativity, but ENHANCE it. Fuel it. Skyrocket it into outerspace.
When you are regulated because your money is working for you, watch the treasure chest of ideas, clients and art explode right in front of you (in the best way)!
NOW ENROLLING: Pitch Perfect 6 Week Guesting Bootcamp - It’s time for you to enjoy algorithm-free marketing, generate easy peezy sales, and create credibility without the cringe!
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