215: If you’re considering pursuing a digital nomad lifestyle, you need to listen to this episode. Last week, I touched on the ins and outs of traveling full time while running a business. This week, I get into the “invisible” challenges.
In the spirit of keeping it 100% - traveling triggers A LOT of issues. From missing your college friends’ weddings to dealing with gut issues and stress, I want you to go in prepared. After years of traveling, I’ve found out how to copy + paste my routine no matter where I am on the map.
The sobering truth is: it’s not as glamorous as people like to make it out to be. You might come up against feelings of extreme loneliness when you’re in a new place traveling solo. You will probably have moments when you’re like, “why am I putting myself through this?!” But for me, it’s all worth it. I’ll tell you exactly why in this episode.
Tune in if you’re curious about traveling more in the coming months. This episode will help you BIG TIME! And if you haven't heard last week's episode, How To Travel Full-Time Part 1: Everything You Need to Know About Being a Digital Nomad, check it out HERE!
Today, we’re diving into:
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