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We’ll go ahead and say it - this celebrity crushes episode may be the funniest we’ve ever produced. But prepare yourself: Courtney was ON FIRE.
This week, we admit to our youthful celebrity obsessions (Jake - call me!), pre and post pubescent infatuations, and even name a few of our current hall passes. Along the way, there are bad boys, adorkable girls, Mary Tyler Moore (wait, what?) historical hotties, and finding out how to actually pronounce Elwes. There may even be a political passion or two, but we know that Rep Henry Waxman isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. OH! And we do a ton of callouts from our kick-ass FB group crew, who helped us pick this topic. (thanks guys!)
Make sure to listen until the end for some snort-your-coffee-out-of-your nose zingers. Seriously - it’s worth it.
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