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In this episode we dive deep into our first voting experience, our next one and everything in between. Having taped this initial episode several weeks before RBG passed, we also recorded a new intro to touch on how her loss changes everything (plus look for a special bonus off-cycle episode all about RBG next week!)
For this group of podcasters, it’s clear that our politics have not changed but our passion has grown deeper. (plus doesn’t it kick ass to get that damn sticker?). This week, we reminded ourselves of the importance of our vote in this current election, as well as discussed women in politics, RBG (wahhhhhhh!), why election day is the 2nd Tuesday in November, what presidents are like really like IRL, Obama, and the state of our world.
“Decisions are made by those who show up” may be a quote from The West Wing (Thanks Eve, you SorkinFreak), but it’s also a reminder that we need to vote like our lives depend on it. Because it really does.
Here are a few voting tips regardless of party:
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