In this episode of Talking HealthTech, host Sophie Turner sits down with Phil Offer, CEO of BestMed, to discuss the power of connection in healthcare. BestMed is a leading medication management system that connects aged care, pharmacies, and doctors, aiming to improve patient safety and efficiency. Phil shares insights into the challenges faced in aged care, the importance of electronic medication management systems, and the process of implementing such systems across multiple facilities.
Key Takeaways:
• BestMed's software showcases the power of connection by bridging the gap between aged care, pharmacies, and doctors.
• Medication errors in aged care are a significant problem, with a high number of complaints to the Royal Commission. Implementing electronic medication management software can help address these issues.
• The biggest challenge in implementing medication management systems is the seismic change in regulations and the need to prioritise various aspects of aged care.
• The electronic national residential medication chart (ENRMC) is a part of BestMed's solution and helps reduce the risk of data duplication and errors in medication administration.
• Successful implementation of the ENRMC requires coordination and buy-in from all stakeholders, including GPs, pharmacies, and residential facilities.
Check out the episode and full show notes on the Talking HealthTech website.
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