The world had other things on its mind during 1944, but baseball was there when America needed to take a break from the horrors of war. It wasn't pretty baseball; the fittest men were on the front lines, others were pulling double and trip shifts in factories, and that left a depleted pool of players.
But it was baseball nonetheless, and it added another line to the history of the game, with the only World Series appearance of the St Louis Browns; in part due to an older roster who were ineligible for the draft and some strong players who were ineligible for service.
Standing against the St Louis Browns were the St Louis Cardinals, on their third straight pennant victory. As for the Browns, they had stumbled to an 89-65 that somehow gave them their first pennant and appearance.
We join the commentary team of Don Dunphy and Bill Slater for Game 6. The Cardinals have rallied from 1-2 to 3-2 in the series, and the Browns face a "win or go home" against their neighbours.
You can find the boxscore here.
This game was played on October 9th, 1944.