Jason Purcell is an analyst at a major financial institution with a specialty in bond analysis. He joins Bob to discuss his historical analysis of yield curves (in both UK and US) going back to the 1870s, which shows that central banks do indeed manipulate short-term interest rates.
Join us in Fort Myers, Florida, on November 9, 2024, to cut through the political noise and discuss the state of the economy. Distinguished speakers Tom DiLorenzo, Mark Thornton, and Murray Sabrin will challenge prevailing economic myths and take a critical look at the US political theater, offering insights into how political interventions distort our economy. It’s an opportunity to move beyond partisan rhetoric and examine the way the government affects our lives and livelihoods. Register now: Mises.org/FtMyers24
The Mises Institute is giving away 100,000 copies of Murray Rothbard's, What Has Government Done to Our Money? Get your free copy at Mises.org/HAPodFree