Episode description
This week we start off by discussing, Sergi's history, Ursula's updated publishing schedule, and praise at work. After that, we have the first part of what is turning into our annual talk with Dino Sarma.
- Dino's First Appearance Pt 1
- Dino's First Appearance Pt 2
- Job Hunting with Dino
- Cooking with Dino Part 1
- Cooking with Dino Part 2
- Cooking with Dino Part 3
- Pandemic Planning with Dino Part 1
- Pandemic Planning with Dino Part 2
- Four Hour Work Week
- A Way With Words
- English Learning subreddit
- Selphi Trabia's Interview
- V (the original mini-series)
- In Bed with Joan
- Rupal's Drag Race
- FridgeDetectives subreddit
- Brita Water Bottles
- Equilibrium USG
- Notion
- And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street
- Cathy Mitchell Infomercials
- Magic Bullet Infomercials
- Alright Mary
- How It's Made
- Rollie
- Deli-Tainers