So we've done a lot of these drafts before, but I don't think we've done one quite like this. This time we're each trying to draft a set of five games that we think you might agree are incredibly overrated. What does that mean exactly? Well that's up for debate too. What isn't up for debate is that you could win $100 just by voting! Before we widen our delta, we talk about Undaunted 2200: Callisto, Nature, and Barcelona.
03:37 - Undaunted 2200: Callisto
13:10 - Nature
23:00 - Barcelona
31:22 - Overrated Games Draft
37:07 - Nemesis
39:10 - Frosthaven
41:15 - Star Wars: Rebellion
45:19 - Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition
47:37 - Earth
48:45 - Wingspan
51:19 - 7 Wonders Duel
52:24 - Mechs vs. Minions
53:17 - Everdell
55:43 - Crokinole
58:52 - Caverna: The Cave Farmers
59:55 - Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon
1:01:24 - On Mars
1:02:45 - Lost Ruins of Arnak
1:04:13 - Catan
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