I know this is going to come as a shock, but sometimes we get things wrong. As we've worked our way through the hobby, we've discovered that some positions we once held, aren't ones we still do. So it's time to revisit our past transgressions and come clean. Before we admit our mistakes, we talk about Tang Garden, Fast Forward: FORTRESS, and Race for the Galaxy.
02:45 - Tang Garden
14:12 - Fast Forward: FORTRESS
21:04 - Race for the Galaxy
30:51 - Board Game Barrage Math Trade: Part II!
34:15 - When We Were So Very Wrong About Games
51:06 - The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31
A big tip of the cap to our friends at So Very Wrong About Games. Listen to their podcast if you aren't already!!
Special thanks goes to What Does It Eat? for hopefully not being upset that we borrowed a snippet of their most excellent song F.O.S. before our theme. You can find them at whatdoesiteat.com.
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