This time, as the moon casts its eerie glow over the Podcast Graveyard, our spectral host, James, encounters the restless spirit of Ryan Sullivan from the dearly departed Podcast Principles.
In this otherworldly episode, Ryan unravels the ghostly concept that gave life to his show and shares the haunted tale of the most formidable obstacle he faced in the creation of his podcast. The spectral duo discuss the benefits and inevitability of scrapping recordings, and James unveils the spectral advantages of recording episodes in batches.
So, summon your headphones and brace yourself for a spine-tingling and thought-provoking journey through the podcast graveyard.
This spectral podcast is brought to you by OneFinePlay, your portal to unearthly entertainment.
01:10 Intro
04:34 Podcast for repurposed content and podcast principles.
08:21 Formatting and logistics made the podcast launch difficult.
12:02 Embarrassing but valuable content sharing is crucial.
13:47 Business slipped away, so we refocused.
17:17 Incredible learning: Finish before releasing content.
20:04 Post passionately and consistently, and don't overthink timing.
26:07 Podcaster living his best creative life
29:30 Outro
"You're scripting it, but you don't want it to sound scripted.”
— Ryan Sullivan
"Lean into you. So figure out your personality over everything, because at one point or another, you're gonna have to be yourself, and you're gonna have to do it unapologetically, and it's actually gonna be everything.”
— Ryan Sullivan
After a conversation with Gary Vee in 2019 and losing one of his first podcast guests to a tragic car accident in early 2020, Ryan dropped everything to pursue podcasting. His business, Podcast Principles, makes podcast launches simple for Coaches, Consultants, and Entrepreneurs.