It’s that time of year again! Houses are adorned with skeletons and ghosts, abandoned malls are full of haunted houses are open and everywhere you look people are drinking pumpkin spice lattes and quietly wondering what it is they actually taste like because they don’t taste like pumpkins, they’re not spicy and they don’t taste like lattes, so you tell me.
It’s Halloween and we have another king size episode (sorry Joe and Jillinda). We have three, count ‘em, three big interviews. Mick is a horror film legend. He is the writer of, among many many others, Hocus Pocus, The Fly 2, he wrote and Stephen King’s Riding The Bullet, directed Stephen King’s Bag Of Bones, directed films in the Psycho franchise, created the Masters Of Horror TV show on and on and on. he is now the host of his own excellent podcast called Post Mortem, but he was gracious enough to appear on this, our annual Halloween Pageant, Mick Garris is here.
Additionally, in addition to being a bona fide rock star, with his band Possum Dixon, he has since become a magician and has won six, count ‘em, six awards from the Academy Of Magic Arts. He runs the séance in the prestigious Houdini room at Los Angeles estimable Magic Castle, he is the author of the book Strange Cures and he has a new album that he is here to talk a out called Séance where YOU, the listener, get to participate with Rob in a genuine séance at your own home in beautiful high fidelity sound, Rob Zabrecky is here.
And THIRDLY, I daren’t say lastly, LA punk rock legend and genuine witch, Pleasant Gehman is back with us to talk about her new book, Rock n Roll Witch.
True Tales From Weirdsville tells the tale of Harry Houdini, not only was he a skilled magician and clearly he world’s most accomplished escape artist, he was also a famous spiritualist debunker. Not because he didn’t believe, but because he wanted to believe so badly. Harry Houdini, the guy you only think you knew, only not really, kinda.