It's a cruel, cruel summer as Banarama sang. Or as we called them, the banana rammers. Thank you! Winston Churchill once said, "You can always count on America to do the right thing after its exhausted every other option," and we are certainly taking that approach with the pandemic. And so, we continue to struggle through this mess. And who better to guide us through than The Bitter Buddha himself, Eddie Pepitone. Eddie has his own daily podcast called Live From The Bunker and a new special called For The Masses, which is outstanding. I know, I was at the taping. Of course, it was filmed back when you could do that sort of thing.
Although we are not going back to the old set up of the show we do have a second interview this episode. Chris Condon has an excellent graphic novel that just got released called That Texas Blood and talked to Chris about that.
So as I say, it's a cruel summer. But on we go. Hakuna Matada, all that. As Elvis Costello sang in one of my favorite songs, Tokyo Storm Warning, "We're only living this instant."
And so it's on…. to our filthy business.