Well, things are great here, at The Dana Gould Hour podcast. We have two terroifoic guests today. Paul Myers, the author of among many books, A Wizard, A True Star Tod Rungren In The Studio, And The Kids In The Hall: One Dumb Guy is here to talk about the documentary he produced Kids In The Hall Comedy Punks as well as his podcast Record Store Day. Speaking of Kids In The Hall, if you haven’t seen the new season on Amazon Prime you are missing out my friend.
We also have the lovely and talented Greg Proops who is here to discuss not only his new album In The City, also available on Amazon Prime, but also his tour with Whose Line Is It Anyway and a little discussion of the state of the state of comedy which is, you know, great!
We have Two True Tales From Weirdsvilles this month. The first is a look at one of my favorite things, The Law Of Unintended Consequences. You know, let’s say you pass a big law, or, say overturn a right people have had for fifty years… You think you know how it’s going to pan out. All neat and tidy. But you know what? Even under the best of circumstances, there’s the law of unintended consequences. Things are not going to turn out exactly the way you want. As the old saying goes, all the best laid plans of mice and men. Will take a look at classic example of The Law Of Unintended Consequences, one that I have some personal knowledge of.
And a bonus True Tales, more in keeping with the tone of the show, about the Kung Fu craze of the mid 70’s. Bruce Lee, Kung Fu, Billy Jack, the whole shebang.