Hello and welcome to the This Is Not The Halloween Episode But It’s Well Into Production And Is Coming Soon. My apologies for the later delivery. Last month I got married and then on our honeymoon we both – finally – caught Covid, so, again, we’re all getting back on our feet, so that’s that. We have a fantastic episode for you. Comedian Matt Braunger, one of our faves, is here to talk about, among many things, his new special, Doug, available now. We also visit with the great Frank Santopadre. A good friend, a fellow geek and the longtime co-host of Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast. It’s a wide-ranging interview. Very funny and also very touching and I’m very grateful to Frank for sitting down with us.
True Tales From Weirdsville has the story of MKUltra, the CIA’s experiments with LSD in the 1950’s. It could also be known as Operation: What Could Go Wrong?