Yu-Kuan Lin is the Head of Product at Facebook. He shares his insights from working at Google, building a startup, and helping mid-range companies grow. Discover how cultural understanding and problem-solving played key roles in the success of Google Maps in China. We also explore technology migration, storytelling in big tech, and the transition from working at a large company to starting a zero-to-one business. We cover all this and more: [03:00] Explored Yu-Kuan's projects at Google Maps and Android, later joined Y Combinator, and ventured into startup creation—a rich learning experience. [04:00] Navigated through different phases at Meta. [07:22] Delved into the intricacies of China's unique market, including addressing challenges related to languages and transportation. [10:49] Emphasized the integration of data and customer support for continual improvement. [16:31] Realized the significance of solving problems with tangible value as a startup founder. [19:06] Adapted to changes in the business landscape, recognizing potential success. [23:41] Explored diverse and pragmatic global technology approaches, particularly in China, where the focus is on addressing concrete business problems like connecting fragmented advertising markets and personalizing profiles. Valuable insights were gained through this journey. [26:28] Encountered challenges when an old client delayed migration, causing disruptions. Stress-tested by major clients, leading to problem-solving. [30:58] Seized the opportunity to shape the company's business model. [31:54] Defined the company's mission as a lifelong learning partner in technical education. Explored potential business models, ruling out advertising due to an insufficient audience. [35:15] Highlighted the importance of early coding for commitment. [40:44] Stressed the role of storytelling in achieving success in big tech. [43:20] Emphasized understanding the audience and maintaining a focus on growth. [45:19] Advocated for applying unexpected insights to pitch successful ideas. Stay tuned as we unpack invaluable lessons, experiences, and reflections from Yu-Kuan Lin. More From Yu-Kuan: Yu-Kuan's LinkedIn More from Delaney: Delaney’s AI Consulting
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