Jen Gubitz is the founder and executive director of Modern JewISH Couples -- an organization that supports committed couples on the pathway to partnership, marriage, and beyond. She joins Dan Libenson and Lex Rofeberg for a conversation about Jewish weddings that asks a number of questions. What typically happens, and what should happen, before the wedding day? Why is it not only okay, but wonderful, when non-clergy officiate Jewish weddings? What transformation does the ritual of a wedding ceremony effect, in 2022, when many traditional understandings of what a wedding “does” no longer resonate?
Inspired by what you hear in this podcast episode? You can sign up for a 3-week mini-course in Judaism Unbound's UnYeshiva (a digital center for Jewish learning and unlearning), taught by Adina Allen and revolving around the Torah of Creativity. Register for a 3-week mini-course in Judaism Unbound's UnYeshiva, taught by Jen Gubitz and Dan Libenson, entitled "How to Perform a Jew-Ish Wedding," by clicking here.