Tonight’s guests, Scott and Sheila Granger, are Sasquatch researchers based in North Georgia who take clients out on Sasquatch expeditions in hopes of putting them in a position to have Sasquatch encounters. Both of them spend countless hours in the woods every year looking for that next great place to go when they hold future expeditions. Their zeal for Sasquatch research started when they, quite possibly, saw the same Sasquatch two weeks apart. Sheila was the first one to have a sighting of the red Sasquatch that sparked her interest in them. Two weeks later, Scott saw a Sasquatch that just might have been the same one. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to Scott and Sheila chronicle what happened when the two of them had their first sightings, as well as multiple encounters they’ve both had after having those first encounters.
If you’d like to speak with Scott or Sheila about booking an excursion with them, so you can go on one of their Sasquatch expeditions, please contact them on Facebook by going to…
If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and let me know.
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