Tonight’s guest, Joe Morris, lives in Alaska and has had two Sasquatch sightings there. Joe had his first sighting while he was working at a remote lodge. He had taken a break from work and was driving to the toe of the Root Glacier, at the time. He had a friend with him. Their plan was to just hang out there and relax, after arriving. On the way there, though, the two of them saw something neither of them had ever seen before. They saw a Sasquatch with features that were very human. As unusual as that experience was, that wasn’t going to be the last time Joe would see a Sasquatch. In 2022, Joe was walking down a trail that was very close to where he had his first encounter when he saw another one. This one looked quite a bit different than the first one, though. Whereas the first one was fairly close to being the size of a man, this one was around 12 feet tall, and Joe estimates his weight to have been between 2,500 to 3,000 pounds. This one was massive! Those weren’t the only Sasquatch-related experiences Joe’s had. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to Joe share all of his experiences with you.
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