Tonight's guest, Adam, spent a lot of time, when he was growing up, at his grandpa's house, in rural Wisconsin. Adam loved spending time with his grandpa there. The property had a secret, though. You see, when Adam was staying there, he and his grandpa weren't alone. Sasquatch would do things to get Adam's attention, when he was outside, on or around the property. At first, they'd throw pebbles at him, to get his attention. Later, one night, he had saw a huge male, from his bedroom window. We hope you'll tune in and listen to Adam share all of the experiences he had with them. They're experiences he's never going to forget. If you’d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called My Bigfoot Sighting, here’s a link to Episode 1 of the show… If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio, please go to and submit a report. If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to report it to the U.S. Bigfoot Patrol, please go to If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Bigfoot Eyewitness t-shirt or sweatshirt, please visit the Bigfoot Eyewitness Show Store, by going to Thanks, as always, for listening!