The Republicans in Congress have finally chosen a new Speaker of the House, and he’s a Bible-affirming, young Earth creationist, election denying, Southern Baptist. What does Mike Johnson’s rise say about the growing influence of Southern fundamentalism in politics? Then, Phil interviews Warren Throckmorton and Michael Coulter about their book, “Getting Jefferson Right,” and the attempts by Christian Nationalists to revise American history to remove the wall os separation between church and state. Also this week—the war between Israel and Hamas is getting worse and so is antisemitism around the world. Plus, Charlie Kirk says Halloween is in the Bible and it’s forbidden!
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0:00 - Intro
1:04 - Show starts
2:02 - Theme Song
2:25 - Sponsor - New Testament for Everyone
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3:39 - Holy Post Border Trip
7:29 - Charlie Kirk on Halloween
12:59 - Latest on Israel and Gaza
28:10 - New Speaker of the House
50:19 - Sponsor - Dreamland Baby
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51:25 - Sponsor - Hiya Health
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52:31 - Interview
Links mentioned in news segment:
Charlie Kirk: “Halloween is a dark, dark day. Not a fan of it.
He Seems to Be Saying His Commitment Is to Minority Rule’
Evangelical Mike Johnson ‘Raised Up’ as House Speaker
Other resources:
Getting Jefferson Right by Warren Throckmorton and Michael Coulter
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