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插播 chābō | interrupt the broadcast
加拿大 Jiānádà | Canada
宜人 yírén | pleasant climate
气候 qìhòu | climate
暴雨 bàoyǔ | heavy rain
地震 dìzhèn | earthquake
舒适度 shūshì dù | comfort level
武汉 Wǔhàn | city in China
火炉 huǒlú | furnace
手术 shǒushù | surgery
近视眼 jìnshì yǎn | nearsightedness
纠正 jiūzhèng | correct, rectify
棘手 jíshǒu | tricky or difficult
激光 jīguāng | laser
植入 zhírù | implantation
晶体 jīngtǐ | crystal
隐形眼镜 yǐnxíngyǎnjìng | contact lenses
角膜 jiǎomó | cornea
永久性 yǒngjiǔxìng | permanence
受他们欢迎 shòu tāmen huānyíng | popular among them
跟进 gēnjìn | follow up
成熟 chéngshú | mature
动心 dòngxīn | tempted, intrigued
咨询 zīxún | consultation
薄 báo | thin
度数比较深 dùshu bǐjiào shēn | high degree of myopia
范围 fànwéi | scope or range
副作用 fùzuòyòng | side effects
近视患者 jìnshì huànzhě | nearsighted patients
福音 fúyīn | good news
不便 bùbiàn | inconvenience
详细 xiángxì | detailed
引入 yǐnrù | introduce
安全性 ānquánxìng | safety
腰椎 yāozhuī | lumbar vertebrae
俯卧撑 fǔwòchēng | push-up
按摩 ànmó | massage
附近 fùjìn | nearby
平板支撑 píngbǎn zhīchēng | plank exercise
太极 Tàijí | Martial art and exercise.
智齿 zhìchǐ | wisdom tooth
风险 fēngxiǎn | risk
症状 zhèngzhuàng | symptoms
缓解 huǎnjiě | alleviate, relieve
压迫 yāpò | oppress or suppress
肿胀 zhǒngzhàng | swelling
神经 shénjīng | nerves
百分之一百 bǎifēnzhīyībǎi | 100 percent
打包票 dǎbāopiào | guarantee
瞎 xiā | blind
可能性 kěnéngxìng | possibility
手法 shǒufǎ | technique or method
力度 lìdù | intensity or force
证明 zhèngmíng | prove or demonstrate
索赔 suǒpéi | compensation or claim for damages
私立 sīlì | private institution
闹心 nàoxīn | upset or distressed
小数目 xiǎoshù mù | small amount
投资 tóuzī | investment
出席 chūxí | attend
便利 biànlì | convenience
受益 shòuyì | benefit, gain
矫正 jiǎozhèng | correct or rectify
度数很轻 dùshu hěn qīng | low prescription strength
戴眼镜 dài yǎnjìng | wearing glasses
一坐 yí zuò | sitting for a while
盯 dīng | stare at
出汗 chūhàn | sweating
舒缓 shūhuǎn | soothing, gentle
框架 kuàngjià | frame
琴谱 qín pǔ | sheet music
蝌蚪 kēdǒu | tadpole
霓虹灯 níhóngdēng | neon light
用眼 yòng yǎn | eye usage
遗传 yíchuán | genetic inheritance
基因 jīyīn | genetic information
可逆 kěnì | reversible
纠错 jiūcuò | error correction
大胆 dàdǎn | bold, daring
不妨 bùfáng | might as well
广告费 guǎnggào fèi | advertising fee
纱布 shābù | gauze
鼻梁 bíliáng | bridge of the nose
小插曲 xiǎo chāqǔ | interlude
周到 zhōudào | thoughtful
患者 huànzhě | patient
局部 júbù | localized anesthesia
麻药 máyào | anesthesia
摩登 módēng | modern, fashionable
电子书 diànzishū | electronic book
闲逛 xiánguàng | stroll or wander
截然不同 jiéránbùtóng | completely different
天壤之别 tiānrǎngzhībié | worlds apart
离不开 líbukāi | can't do without
心思 xīnsi | thoughts or thinking
如愿 rúyuàn | as desired