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Full Transcript: https://medium.com/@convo-chinese-joanne/episode-39-%E5%9C%A8%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E5%92%8C%E5%9B%BD%E5%A4%96%E4%B8%8A%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%A6-university-experience-b7accb198972
云南 Yunnan | Yúnnán
昆明 Kunming | kūnmíng
宁波 Ningbo | níngbō
本科 Undergraduate | běnkē
硕士 Master | shuòshì
博士 PhD | bóshì
国际法 International Law | guójìfǎ
瑞典 Sweden | ruìdiǎn
冰岛 Iceland | bīngdǎo
冰天雪地 full of ice and snow | bīngtiānxuědì
北欧 Scandinavia | běi'ōu
神话 Mythology | shénhuà
犯罪学 Criminology | fànzuì xué
搞笑 Funny | gǎoxiào
记错 Misremembering | jì cuò
圣诞老人 Santa Claus | shèngdàn lǎorén
调皮捣蛋 Mischief | tiáopí dǎodàn
抓 Catch | zhuā
锅里 in the pot | guō lǐ
煮 boil | zhǔ
童年 Childhood | tóngnián
犯罪率 crime rate | fànzuì lǜ
推测 Speculation | tuīcè
专业 major / professional | zhuānyè
成绩 Achievement | chéngjī
心态轻松 Ease of mind | xīntài qīngsōng
学分 Credits | xuéfēn
教学模式 Teaching Mode | jiàoxué móshì
阅读材料 Reading Materials | yuèdú cáiliào
体验 Experience | tǐyàn
吃喝玩乐 Eat, Drink and Be Merry | chīhē wánlè
班级 Classes | bānjí
宿舍 Dormitory | sùshè
社会距离 Social distance | shèhuì jùlí
人和人的交流 Human and human interaction | rén hé rén de jiāoliú
呆着 Staying | dāizhe
摄影 Photography | shèyǐng
孤独 Solitude | gūdú
互相认识 Getting to know each other | hùxiāng rènshí
选课 choosing a class | xuǎnkè
中餐 Chinese food | zhōngcān
通宵 Overnight | tōngxiāo
氛围 Atmosphere | fēnwéi
集体感 Sense of togetherness | jítǐ gǎn
大一 Freshman year | dà yī
大二 Sophomore | dà èr
通选课 General Elective Classes | tōng xuǎnkè
必选课 Required Courses | bì xuǎnkè
马克思主义 Marxism | mǎkèsī zhǔyì
经济学原理 Principles of Economics | jīngjì xué yuánlǐ
会计 Accounting | kuàijì
单人间 single room | dān rénjiān
朝夕相处 Spending time together | zhāoxìxiāngchǔ
感情深厚 deep affection | gǎnqíng shēnhòu
主动出击 taking the initiative | zhǔdòng chūjí
疫情 epidemic | yìqíng
网课 online classes | wǎng kè
线下 offline | xiàn xià
社会实践 social practice | shèhuì shíjiàn
展开活动 carry out activities | zhǎnkāi huódòng
空白的时间 Blank Time, leisure time | kòngbái de shíjiān
适应 adapt | shìyìng
打扫宿舍 Cleaning the dormitory | dǎsǎo sùshè
荣誉感 Sense of honor | róngyù gǎn
军训 Military training | jūnxùn
服兵役 Military service | fú bīngyì
军队 Army | jūnduì
姿态 Gesture | zītài
仪式 ritual | yíshì
培训 Training | péixùn
大通铺 Big Bunk | dàtōng pù
大宿舍 large dormitory | dà sù shè
焦头烂额 overwelmed | jiāotóulàn'é
晒太阳 bathed under the sun | shài tàiyáng
开学 start school | kāixué
暴晒 exposure to the sun | pùshài
纪律感 sense of discipline | jìlǜ gǎn
数理化 math, physics and chemistry | shùlǐ huà
布置作业 assigning homework | bùzhì zuòyè
一门课 one class | yī mén kè
一学期 One semester | yī xuéqí
数量胜于质量 Quantity over quality | shùliàng shèng yú zhìliàng
一知半解 half baked | yīzhībànjiě
小组讨论 Group discussion | xiǎozǔ tǎolùn
辩论 Debate | biànlùn
培养 cultivate | péiyǎng
团队合作 Teamwork | tuánduì hézuò
隔阂 barrier | géhé
协定 Agreement | xiédìng
切换成 Switch to | qiēhuàn chéng
崩溃 Collapse, break down | bēngkuì
提醒 Remind | tíxǐng
无奈 helpless | wúnài
如何是好 what to do | rúhé shì hǎo
建立关系 Building Relationships | jiànlì guānxì
深厚的关系 Deep Relationships | shēnhòu de guānxì
泡温泉 go to hotspring | pào wēnquán
诟病 criticize | gòubìng
抱团 stick to each other | bàotuán
混在一起 hangout together | hùnzài yīqǐ
吃火锅 eat hot pot | chī huǒguō
打破偏见 Break the prejudice | dǎpò piānjiàn
非常棒的体验 Very good experience | fēicháng bàng de tǐyàn
多交流 Communicate more | duō jiāoliú
羞涩 Shyness | xiūsè