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Full Script: https://convo-chinese-joanne.medium.com/episode-37-%E5%93%AA%E4%B8%AA%E5%9B%BD%E5%AE%B6%E7%9A%84%E7%81%AB%E8%BD%A6%E6%9C%80%E5%A5%BD-which-country-has-the-best-train-b48b5118eb9f
火车 Trains | Huǒchē
系统 System | xìtǒng
高铁 High Speed Rail | gāotiě
多伦多 Toronto | duōlúnduō
小插曲 Anecdote, Hiccups | xiǎo chāqǔ
返程 return journey | fǎnchéng
行驶 Travel, driving on the way | xíngshǐ
播报 Broadcast | bōbào
事故 Accidents | shìgù
医护人员 Paramedics | yīhù rényuán
救护车 Ambulances | jiùhù chē
警车 Police car | jǐngchē
受伤 Injured | shòushāng
渠道 Channel | qúdào
一头雾水 confused | yītóu wù shuǐ
上级通知 notification from above | shàngjí tōngzhī
实时更新 Live updates | shíshí gēngxīn
感慨 emotion | gǎnkǎi
餐车 dining car | cānchē
车厢 Carriage | chēxiāng
列车员 train crew | lièchēyuán
查车票 ticket check | chá chēpiào
小推车 Trolley | xiǎo tuī chē
可乐 Coke cola | kělè
方便面 Instant noodles | fāngbiànmiàn
特色产品 Speciality products | tèsè chǎnpǐn
起始点 Starting point | qǐ shǐdiǎn
哈利波特 Harry Potter | hā lì bō tè
面临问题 Facing problems | miànlín wèntí
荒芜 desolation | huāngwú
人烟 populated | rényān
站站停 station stop | zhàn zhàn tíng
自动售卖机 vending machines | zìdòng shòumài jī
权限 permissions | quánxiàn
硬件 hardware | yìngjiàn
整洁程度 Cleanliness | zhěngjié chéngdù
新旧程度 Newness | xīnjiù chéngdù
绿皮火车 Green Train | lǜ pí huǒchē
开头 Opening | kāitóu
车厢 Carriages | chēxiāng
出行要求 Travel requirements | chūxíng yāoqiú
偏远 remote | piānyuǎn
摇晃 rocking | yáohuàng
小吃 snacks | xiǎochī
扑克 poker | pūkè
大杂院 A type of traditional Beijing houses | dàzáyuàn
接地气 local, down to earth, grounded | jiēdì qì
人情味 with human touch | rénqíngwèi
软卧 Soft sleeper | ruǎnwò
硬卧 hard sleeper | yìngwò
舒适 Comfortable | shūshì
前前后后 front and back | qián qiánhòu hòu
安检 security check | ānjiǎn
抢手 Popular, high demand | qiǎngshǒu
折扣价格 discounted prices | zhékòu jiàgé
磁悬浮 magnetic levitation | cíxuánfú
读万卷书不如行万里路 it's better travel a million miles than reading a million books than to | dú wàn juǎn shū bùrú xíng wànlǐ lù
晚点 late, delayed | wǎndiǎn
转乘 transfer, connection | zhuǎn chéng
短则..长则.. Short ones are... Longer ones are... | duǎn zé.. Zhǎng zé..
紧张 nervous | Jǐnzhāng
可能性 Possibilities | kěnéng xìng
尽情享受 Enjoy fully | jìnqíng xiǎngshòu
瀑布 Waterfalls | pùbù
游玩 excursions | yóuwán
饭馆 restaurants | fànguǎn
酒吧 bars | jiǔbā
关门 close the door | guānmén
热狗 hot dog | règǒu
脑袋大 surprised, upset (big head) | nǎodai dà
一愣 in a daze | yī lèng
似信非信 half believing | shì xìn fēi xìn
破例 make an exception | pòlì
候车室 waiting room | hòuchē shì
人身安全 personal safety | rénshēn ānquán
油然而生 spring up unbidden (of emotion) | yóu rán'ér shēng
眼眶湿润 eyes moistened | yǎnkuàng shīrùn
有惊无险 There was a scare and no danger | yǒu jīng wú xiǎn
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