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放鸽子 stand someone up | Fàng gēzi
承诺 Commitment | chéngnuò
充满斗志 Full of fighting spirit | chōngmǎn dòuzhì
中断 Interrupted | zhōngduàn
充实 Fulfilling | chōngshí
时光飞逝 Time flies | shíguāng fēishì
一转眼 In a flash | yī zhuàn yǎn
隔离 isolation | gélí
铲屎官 pooper scooper | chǎn shǐ guān
海苔 seaweed | hǎitái
饲养 Breeding | sìyǎng
养宠物 Keeping pets | yǎng chǒngwù
宠物 Pets | chǒngwù
训练师 Trainer | xùnliàn shī
契机 Opportunity | qìjī
杂物 Sundries | zá wù
家务 household chores | jiāwù
一致决定 unanimous decision | yīzhì juédìng
一窝 a nest | yī wō
热潮 fervor | rècháo
顾虑 concerns | gùlǜ
公寓 apartment | gōngyù
绿地 green space | lǜdì
作息 work and rest | zuòxí
遛狗 walking the dog | liú gǒu
玩耍 play | wánshuǎ
寄养 foster | jìyǎng
克服 overcoming | kèfú
心理障碍 psychological barriers | xīnlǐ zhàng'ài
公寓 Apartments | gōngyù
要小孩 wanting children | yào xiǎohái
磨合 bonding | móhé
金毛 Golden hair | jīnmáo
收拾 Packing | shōushí
固执 Stubbornness | gùzhí
离奇 bizarre | líqí
疫情期间 During the epidemic | yìqíng qíjiān
寒风瑟瑟 cold and windy | hán fēng sèsè
大小便 urinate and defecate | dàxiǎo biàn
羽绒服 down jacket | yǔróngfú
开销 expenses | kāixiāo
狗狗旅馆 dog hotels | gǒu gǒu lǚguǎn
紧俏 tightly packed | jǐnqiào
倾向于 tendency to | qīngxiàng yú
扑人 pounce on people | pū rén
软软的 soft | ruǎn ruǎn de
暖暖 warm | nuǎn nuǎn
毛茸茸 fluffy | máoróngrōng
炯炯有神 shiny | jiǒngjiǒng yǒu shén
撸狗 jerk dog | lū gǒu
新手 newbie | xīnshǒu