EPISODE 24 | 她是一名小网红 She is a little influencer - podcast episode cover

EPISODE 24 | 她是一名小网红 She is a little influencer

Oct 05, 202125 minEp 24Transcript available on Metacast
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>> Angelina的频道点击这里:
BiliBili [Angie的世界] https://space.bilibili.com/2147247535
Youtube [MissAngieLu] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdjA__qIAVxVaqKrFSAXd1w

太闲了 Too idle | Tài xiánle 
 解闷 relief from boredom | jiěmèn 
 妙招 a good idea | miàozhāo 
 网红 influencer / internet celebrity | wǎng hóng 
 转型 transition | zhuǎnxíng 
 在…道路上 On the road to... | zài…dàolù shàng 
 奋斗 struggle | fèndòu 
 做视频 Making videos | zuò shìpín 
 粉丝 Fans | fěnsī 
 频道 Channel | píndào 
 播放量 Number of plays/views | bòfàng liàng 
 内容 Content | nèiróng 
 主题 Topics | zhǔtí 
 国际生 International students | guójì shēng 
 关注于 Focus on | guānzhù yú 
 签证 Visas | qiānzhèng 
 学业 Academics | xuéyè 
 刷视频 Brush up on your videos | shuā shìpín 
 年入百万 Earn millions a year | nián rù bǎi wàn 
 途径 pathways | tújìng 
 积累到 Accumulate to | jīlěi dào 
 步骤 steps | bùzhòu 
 震撼 shock | zhènhàn 
 固有印象 Inherent impressions | gùyǒu yìnxiàng 
 噱头 Gimmick | xuétou 
 反思 Reflection | fǎnsī 
 下决心 Make up your mind | xià juéxīn 
 一咬牙 bite the bullet | yī yǎoyá 
 不济 not good | bùjì 
 受益匪浅 benefit greatly | shòuyì fěi qiǎn 
 有意思 Interesting | yǒuyìsi 
 门道 a way of doing things | méndao 
 技巧 skills | jìqiǎo 
 全职工作 full time work | quánzhí gōngzuò 
 成就感 sense of accomplishment | chéngjiù gǎn 
 投放广告 placing ads | tóufàng guǎnggào 
 平台运营 platform operations | píngtái yùnyíng 
 成熟 maturity | chéngshú 
 精美 Fine | jīngměi 
 外拍 Outtakes | wài pāi 
 场景 Scenes | chǎngjǐng 
 剪辑 Editing | jiǎnjí 
 是因为想说.. Because I want to say... | shì yīnwèi xiǎng shuō.. 
 有意思 Interesting | Yǒuyìsi 
 土豆 Tudou | tǔdòu 
 日本动漫 Japanese Anime | rìběn dòngmàn 
 靠..起家 By... started with | kào.. Qǐjiā 
 野心 Ambition | yěxīn 
 短视频 Short videos | duǎn shìpín 
 搜索 Search | sōusuǒ 
 运算法则 rules of the game | yùnsuàn fǎzé 
 流量 traffic | liúliàng 
 博主 bloggers | bó zhǔ 
 收费 charge | shōufèi 
 无偿 unpaid | wúcháng 
 喷子 hater | pēn zi 
 键盘侠 keyboard warrior/internet trolls | jiànpán xiá 
 脸皮厚 cheeky | liǎnpí hòu 
 心理阴影 psychological shadows (trauma) | xīnlǐ yīnyǐng 
 道德制高点 moral high ground | dàodé zhìgāodiǎn 
 匿名 anonymous | nìmíng 
 肆无忌惮 unscrupulous | sìwújìdàn 
 卖国贼 traitor to the country | màiguózéi 
 扣帽子 labeling | kòu màozi 
 怼 dislike | duì 
 乌烟瘴气 foul black smoke atmosphere (idiom); fig. everything in a
tremendous mess | wūyānzhàngqì 
 打广告 advertising | dǎ guǎnggào 
 互相扶持 support each other | hùxiāng fúchí 

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