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How does it feel to use Tinder in China? Where is the best place to go on a first date with someone you met on Tinder? What are our experiences and tips on using Tinder? What do we look for in a guy we want to call? Let's talk to Sissi today about this private and "a bit embarrassing" topic.
Years ago, dating apps in China had a reputation of being basically for "booty call". But in the past few years, more and more young people are too busy at work and there are no other channels to meet new friends of the opposite sex other than colleagues, so dating apps are becoming more and more common, and the negative perception of dating apps seems to be slowly changing!
约会 Dating | Yuēhuì
隐秘 personal/private/secret | yǐnmì
白领 White Collar | báilǐng
青年 Youth | qīngnián
现象 Phenomenon | xiànxiàng
家庭观念 Family value | jiātíng guānniàn
关心 Concerned about | guānxīn
个人问题 Personal problems | gèrén wèntí
催婚 push you to get married | cuī hūn
异性朋友 Opposite sex friends | yìxìng péngyǒu
约会软件 Dating software | yuēhuì ruǎnjiàn
同事 Colleagues | tóngshì
认知 Perception | rèn zhī
负面 Negative | fùmiàn
相对而言 Relatively | xiāngduì ér yán
消除 Eliminate | xiāochú
刻板印象 Stereotypes | kèbǎn yìnxiàng
约炮 Booty Call | yuē pào
打炮 Have Sex | dǎpào
一夜情 One Night Stand | yīyèqíng
委婉语 Euphemisms | wěiwǎn yǔ
看得开 Open about something | kàn dé kāi
局 Gathering | jú
工作岗位 job position | gōngzuò gǎngwèi
充电 recharge | chōngdiàn
休息 rest | xiūxí
必然 inevitable | bìrán
趋势 Trend | qūshì
走不一样的路线 Take a different route | zǒu bù yīyàng de lùxiàn
打造形象 Create an image | dǎzào xíngxiàng
抱着..的心态 Hold... Mentality | bàozhe.. De xīntài
奔着..的目的 for the purpose | bēnzhe.. De mùdì
见个面 meet | jiàn gè miàn
新的渠道 New channel | xīn de qúdào
问住我了 good question | wèn zhù wǒle
人口结构 Demographics | rénkǒu jiégòu
来电 have chemistry (literally, have electricity) | láidiàn
约会对象 Dating partner | yuēhuì duìxiàng
挑剔 picky | tiāotì
眼光高 high standard (picky) | yǎnguāng gāo
金融 Financial | jīnróng
咨询 Consulting | zīxún
律所 law firm | lǜ suǒ
符合 fit | fúhé
性格 Personality | xìnggé
搞…(工作) Engage in... (work) | gǎo…(gōngzuò)
卸载 upload | xièzài
途径 path | tújìng
有的可聊 something to talk about | yǒu de kě liáo
待一些时间 Stay some time | dài yīxiē shíjiān
进可攻,退可守 equally valuable as a stepping-stone for offense or a strong point for defense | jìn kě gōng, tuì kě shǒu
战略性 Strategic | zhànlüè xìng
嚼东西 Chew on something | jué dōngxī
尴尬 Be awkward | gāngà
有礼貌 Polite | yǒu lǐmào
小龙虾 Crawfish | xiǎo lóngxiā
脱口秀 Stand-up comedy | tuōkǒu xiù
前排 Front row | qián pái
跑题 Off topic | pǎotí
火花 Spark | huǒhuā
慢热 Slow | màn rè
契合 a good fit | qìhé
般配 matching, compatible | bānpèi
脑补 imagine | nǎo bǔ
内心戏 inner drama | nèixīn xì
吐槽 roast | tǔcáo
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