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(今天的节目也有一点点难,有很多成语 ;) 我知道你们最喜欢学成语了! )
Following the last episode - both Vigil and I are actually working in the field of environment and sustainability. But I have never worked on a farm or in nature. So I was particularly envious of Vigil for having his own piece of land, fish pond, and building his own house on Canary Island, living a self-sufficient, environmentally friendly life! This also triggered a discussion about our career choice. For those of us working in the environmental field, should we choose to be "grounded" and start the change from our surroundings, or choose "high-level" jobs to influence policies and change the system?
可持续发展 Sustainable Development | Kě chíxù fāzhǎn
环境 Environment | huánjìng
全职 Full-time | quánzhí
与世隔绝 Isolated | yǔ shì géjué
圈子 circles | quānzi
翻天覆地 overwhelmed by the world | fāntiānfùdì
自给自足 self-sufficient | zì jǐ zìzú
环保 environmentally friendly | huánbǎo
对环境友好 friendly to the environment | duì huánjìng yǒuhǎo
水泥森林 Cement Forest | shuǐní sēnlín
水泥 Cement | shuǐní
田园 Fields | tiányuán
气候变化 Climate Change | qìhòu biànhuà
实践经历 Practical experience | shíjiàn jīnglì
纸上谈兵 Paperwork | zhǐshàngtánbīng
创业精神 Entrepreneurship | chuàngyè jīngshén
刷墙 Painting the Wall | shuā qiáng
土地 Land | tǔdì
食物体系 food system | shíwù tǐxì
脚踏实地 Feet on the ground | jiǎotàshídì
农民 Farmers | nóngmín
种树 Planting trees | zhǒng shù
装修 Renovation | zhuāngxiū
节省能源 Saving energy | jiéshěng néngyuán
太阳能板 Solar panels | tàiyángnéng bǎn
骑行 Cycling | qí xíng
流行 Popular | liúxíng
食宿 accommodation and food | shí sù
接生 deliver a baby | jiēshēng
弊端 disadvantages | bìduān
阻碍 hindrance | zǔ'ài
局限 limitations | júxiàn
体验生活 experience life | tǐyàn shēnghuó
偏远 remoteness | piānyuǎn
远程办公 Telecommuting | yuǎnchéng bàngōng
自由职业 Freelance | zìyóu zhíyè
对抗 Confrontation | duìkàng
交流 Communication | jiāoliú
思维方式 mindset | sīwéi fāngshì
水管 Plumbing | shuǐguǎn
盖房子 Building Houses | gài fángzi
全球性挑战 Global Challenges | quánqiú xìng tiǎozhàn
垃圾 Garbage | lèsè
环境污染 Environmental Pollution | huánjìng wūrǎn
活在当下 Living in the present | huó zài dāng xià
边边角角 Edge to Edge | biān biān jiǎo jiǎo
灰尘 Dust | huīchén
社交 Socializing | shèjiāo
井井有条 Well-organized | jǐngjǐngyǒutiáo
一尘不染 spotlessly clean | yīchénbùrǎn
争执 dispute | zhēngzhí
一屋不扫,何以扫天下 how you solve the problems in the world, if you cannot keep your house clean | yī wū bù sǎo héyǐ sǎo tiānxià
亲历亲为 do it yourself | qīnlì qīn wèi
高瞻远瞩 visionary | gāozhānyuǎnzhǔ
高大上 high and mighty | gāodà shàng
仰望星空 looking up at the stars | yǎngwàng xīngkōng
细细碎碎 Small and fragmented | xì xìsuì suì
平衡点 Balance point | pínghéng diǎn
受到冲击 Shocked | shòudào chōngjí
露天咖啡馆 Open-air cafe | lùtiān kāfēi guǎn
夸夸其谈 boasting | kuākuāqítán
感触 touched | gǎnchù
精神层面 Spiritual dimension | jīngshén céngmiàn
发展自我 Development of self | fāzhǎn zìwǒ
追求进步 Pursuit of progress | zhuīqiú jìnbù
沮丧 Frustration | jǔsàng
清理 Clearing | qīnglǐ
海滩 Beach | hǎitān
干涉 Interference | gānshè
黑天鹅 Black Swan | hēi tiān'é
利益相关者 Stakeholders | lìyì xiāngguān zhě
建模型 Modeling | jiàn móxíng
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam | āmǔsītèdān
建筑垃圾 Construction Waste | jiànzhú lèsè
纸面上 On Paper | zhǐ miàn shàng
白领 White collar | báilǐng
刷墙 Painting walls | shuā qiáng
铺地板 Flooring | pū dìbǎn
建筑垃圾 construction waste | jiànzhú lèsè
接地气 connect to the ground | jiēdì qì
脱离实际 Detachment from reality | tuōlí shíjì
中餐 Chinese food | zhōngcān
改善 Improve | gǎishàn
伙食 Food | huǒshí
炒粉丝 Fried vermicelli | chǎo fěnsī
博大精深 the depths of knowledge | bódàjīngshēn