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Have you ever heard of the city of Shenzhen? Probably not, but you must have heard of Huawei, WeChat, BYD. Shenzhen is the home of these famous technology companies. Today, I'm going to talk about the city with a good friend of mine who is working at a start up in Shenzhen. With its proximity to Hong Kong, Shenzhen has rapidly developed into a center of trade, processing, innovation and technology in China. And with its warm climate and culturally inclusive and diverse culture, Shenzhen is a rare and very livable place!
深圳 Shenzhen | Shēnzhèn
牛津 Oxford | niújīn
创业公司 Startups | chuàngyè gōngsī
研究生 Graduate Student | yánjiūshēng
视频 Video | shìpín
聊天 Chat | liáotiān
加班 Overtime | jiābān
传统意义 Traditional Meaning | chuántǒng yìyì
出口 Export | chūkǒu
加工业 Processing Industry | jiā gōngyè
工作文化 Work culture | gōngzuò wénhuà
刻苦 hard work | kèkǔ
下班时间 Off duty time | xiàbān shíjiān
感触 Feelings | gǎnchù
污染 pollution | wūrǎn
温暖 warmth | wēnnuǎn
潮湿 Humidity | cháoshī
空气 Air | kōngqì
干净 Clean | gānjìng
恢复 Recovery | huīfù
室外 outdoors | shìwài
名胜古迹 Places of interest | míngshèng gǔjī
娱乐活动 Recreational Activities | yúlè huódòng
地理位置 Location | dìlǐ wèizhì
殖民地 Colony | zhímíndì
金融中心 Financial Center | jīnróng zhōngxīn
熟悉 Familiarity | shúxī
一江之隔 A river away | yī jiāng zhī gé
海关 Customs | hǎiguān
飞机 Airplane | fēijī
大巴 Bus | dàbā
深圳湾 Shenzhen Bay | shēnzhèn wān
出租车 Taxi | chūzū chē
粤语 Cantonese | yuèyǔ
渔村 Fishing Village | yúcūn
邓小平 Deng Xiaoping | dèngxiǎopíng
改革开放 Reform and opening up | gǎigé kāifàng
优越 Superiority | yōuyuè
经济政策 Economic Policy | jīngjì zhèngcè
繁荣 Prosperity | fánróng
湖南省 Hunan Province | húnán shěng
土著居民 Indigenous People | tǔzhù jūmín
代购 proxy shopping | dàigòu
灌水 flooding | guànshuǐ
奢侈品 luxury goods | shēchǐ pǐn
人肉代购 human surrogate | rénròu dàigòu
货运 freight transport | huòyùn
苹果手机 Apple phone | píngguǒ shǒujī
化妆品 Cosmetic | huàzhuāngpǐn
汇率 Exchange rate | huìlǜ
打折 Discounts | dǎzhé
港币 Hong Kong Dollars | gǎngbì
发售 Offer | fāshòu
优势 Advantage | yōushì
海鲜 seafood | hǎixiān
也自己 Also Own | yě zìjǐ
火锅 Hot Pot | huǒguō
烹饪 Cooking | pēngrèn
汤料 Soup | tāng liào
高汤 Soup | gāotāng
椰青 Coconut Green | yē qīng
潮汕 Chaoshan | cháoshàn
牛肉 Beef | niúròu
创新 Innovation | chuàngxīn
电动车 Electric Car | diàndòng chē
优惠 Offer | yōuhuì
贸易 Trade | màoyì
出口 Export | chūkǒu
加工业 Processing Industry | jiā gōngyè
电子产品 Electronic Products | diànzǐ chǎnpǐn
供应链 Supply Chain | gōngyìng liàn
采购 Sourcing | cǎigòu
工业基础 Industrial Base | gōngyè jīchǔ
高科技 High Technology | gāo kējì
背靠 Backing | bèi kào
消费市场 Consumer Market | xiāofèi shìchǎng
腾讯 Tencent | téngxùn
华为 Huawei | huáwèi
比亚迪 BYD | bǐyǎdí
硅谷 Silicon Valley | guīgǔ
创业公司 Startups | chuàngyè gōngsī
梦想 Dream | mèngxiǎng
孵化器 Incubator | fūhuàqì
文化氛围 Culture | wénhuà fēnwéi
媒体 Media | méitǐ
移民 Immigration | yímín
包容 Inclusion | bāoróng
多元 Diversity | duōyuán
蓬勃的生机 Vibrant | péngbó de shēngjī
生机勃勃 Vitality | shēngjī bóbó
奋斗 Struggling | fèndòu