Start creating awareness on the situations that increase Stress in Relationships:
Some common situations that increase stress in relationships are when one or the other person says:
I will discuss the concepts, techniques, and strategies for:
In today's episode I will focus on several goals:
What keeps a person stuck in bad toxic relationships?
You want to learn on how can you assess other people and see if they are right for you?
Then This Episode is For you!
Some questions you can ask yourself that will help relieve the stress if you want to pursue a relationship with someone?
1. What did it feel when there was a conflicting view of opinions?
2. How does this person deal with difficult situations or difficult people?
3. What does their activities and relationships with others reveal about their value system?
I will offer you a quick tip on: and click below for the cheat sheet:
The Relief of Finding the Right Type of Person! The Ease in Being able to Filter them out from the Toxic ones more effectively.
Finding Mr. Right and Getting Rid of Mr. Wrong
If you have not been able to identify how the Fear of Abandonment and the Pain of Rejection can affect your relationships then listen to the previous episode:
How to Overcome the Pain of Abandonment and Fear of Rejection
Want to start learning how to Stay True To your Boundaries in Relationships with Ease and Confidence:
Below I will give you the cheat sheet on how to do just that:
Stop Sacrificing your Boundaries to Avoid Abandonment
Anita Sandoval@PACCTX
Anita Sandoval
Conversations That Work