Have you ever imagined what it would be like to have a personal assistant that transcribes your thoughts, keeping track of the tiniest tasks that your memory can't hold onto? As someone living with ADHD, this isn't just a passing thought for me, but a constant reality. Join me as we navigate the intricate maze of ADHD, IQ, and working memory, and how this intertwining impacts my everyday life, from conversations and soccer practice to financial management.
The revelation of my IQ test results, a solid 109, puts my verbal comprehension and perceptual reasoning above average. But here's the catch – my working memory is in the 34th percentile. Poor working memory isn't just about forgetting where I put my keys, it's a daily battle that affects my conversations, my sports practice, and most critically, my financial habits. It's about struggling to remember crucial details, even my own phone number. But hey, we're not here to dwell on the struggle. Let's dive into how we can turn these challenges into our strength!
The moment you connect the dots between ADHD, poor working memory, and financial habits is the moment you start gaining control of your finances. Trust me, I've been there. We all know how one impulsive decision can lead to a cascade of unwarranted spending. Been there, done that. But with the help of financial tracking and building cognitive flexibility, I've been able to regain control. It's a journey, but it's doable. Let's embark on this together, learn from my strategies and experiences, and find out how to take control of our finances amidst our ADHD challenges.
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