Climactic's July Spotlight on Climate Solutions Week 1
This episode of Robert McLean's Climate Conversations is a perfect way to start this month's solutions focus. If you have a recommendation please just drop us a line:
Music in intro | In Paler Skies by Blue Dot Sessions
Graeme Wiggins (pictured with two of his enthusiastic students) has created what he believes is the world's first project where young girls, about 26 of them, are working together on a project to convert a conventional car to an all-electric vehicle.
The project, at the BendigoTech School, is well advanced with the conversion of the 1982 three-door Range Rover into an all-electric Telsa powered car.
The project, "Girls in STEAM electric car project" has caught the imagination of many, bringing wide publicity to the school, Graeme, the girls and one of those stories on the ABC was entitled "Why a group of teenage girls described as 'hardcore car nuts' are converting a Range Rover into an electric vehicle".
Listen to the end of this episode and you will hear one of the students, an excited 14-year-old "Lilly", heaping praise on the project.
Also, enjoy "Music for a Warming World".
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