Extinction Rebellion is a group, a collection of groups, making waves, taking headlines, and getting a reaction, all over the world. But what is XR? Where's it from, how does it work? Who are these 'rebels'? In this episode, we find out. You'll hear the voices of XR rebels in the UK and Australia, taking action in a variety of ways, and taking part in actions that have attracted worldwide attention.
We would like to thank friends of the show Simon Moore, who recorded the UK component, and Dan Preston, who produced it! Please, check out Dan's excellent Marvel review show, A Marvellous Lunchbreak for a great bit of fun.
We'd like to thank Violet, John, Oliver, Reid, Jo, and all of our London and Leeds guests for being on the show.
Mark Spencer — Founder
Rich Bowden — Editor-in-Chief
Maxine Bazeley — Host
Georgia Sheil — Host
Bronwyn Gresham — Host
Greg Grassi wrote our theme, check out his work here.
Abby Hawkins designed our logo, check out her work here.
The General Assembly wrote the instrumentals you heard at the end, check out their work here.
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Special Guests: Oliver Westwood and Violet Coco.
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