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Tilth, glomalin, exudates … luscious words from the world of soils and a great conversation with Matthew Evans and Sadie Chrestman about Matthew's new book Soil – The incredible story of what keeps the earth, and us, healthy.
Matthew and Sadie Chrestman are the well known and much loved co–creators and operators of Fat Pig Farm, collaborators in arms and life and both strong advocates for open, fair, accountable food and farming systems and delicious food. This episode dives into just how very precious and remarkable soil is and why we need to get to know and ‘look after' it better – now.
‘Soil' is a joyful, magical book. It's packed with stacks of facts & curious tales to help us really ‘see', smell, feel and taste soil in creative, more informed ways and it packs a loving but really powerful punch for pretty much anyone who grows food or eats – and it offers an uplifting call to action to better care for soil, for our and planetary health and food futures in a changing climate.
A rollercoaster of a read – ‘Soil' is a mix of Alice in Regenerationland; meets Dr Karl, & Costa; great scientists, quacks & visionary gardeners & farmers of the world – and Frenchman, Stephane Le Foll, who, at the Paris Climate Summit in 2015 touted the idea that an extra 0.4% organic carbon into soil each year might radically ‘garden' us away from runaway global warming ….
There's a whole lot of love in this book – for soil and for the tiny trillions of bacteria, fungi and neglected critters in it and for people and the planet.
Listen in, enjoy and dig into Matthews latest book that is available from all good bookstores and online booksellers.
Image Acknowledgements:
Sadie, Kitti Gould Photographer
Matthew, Alan Benson Photographer
Matt's Website
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