Near the summit of Mount Everest in the death zone on the ridge of the north face there is a shallow cave, known infamously to all who climb there as the location where in 1996 an Indian man named Tsewang Paljor lay down to rest and never got up again. That man is referred to as green boots.
Almost exactly ten years later, on the morning of May 14, 2006 a small team of mountaineers climbing toward the summit were surprised to find another climber seated there, barely alive sitting next to green boots. It was one of the coldest nights of the season. The man in the cave was David Sharp, an English mountaineer who was on his third expedition to Everest.
During the time David Sharp* was sitting in the cave many people passed by, thinking there was nothing they could do to help. News of this reached the outside world and soon an international furor erupted over the death of David Sharp. Even Sir Edmund Hillary weighed in, outraged at the incident.
This is the story of David Sharp.
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