I'm joined in this episode by Alex Langille by way of the U.K. who I met after he had listened to my conversation with Jack McGarry. It was a pleasure chatting with Alex who is currently re-embarking on a journey of obtaining his Master's in Clinical Psychology, reading, and running in the English countryside. This conversation was a first for No Proof as after extensive meditations, and the use of therapy; Alex has been able to integrate alcohol back into his lifestyle with intention. It is my goal to have conversations with individuals from every corner of the world of sobriety and to not speak in absolutes. I thank Alex for sharing his story, and for adding a new perspective to the journey that is No Proof.
Books mentioned in this episode:
1) Susan Cain - Quiet - The Power of Introverts In A World That Can’t Stop Talking.
2) Brene Brown - Daring Greatly
3) Jordan Peterson - 12 Rule for Life - An Anecdote to Chaos