about the guest:
A wild gal turned sober-curious, Fay Behbehani is a London native living in Los Angeles, and a beverage entrepreneur in both the alcoholic and the non-alcoholic space. As former head of marketing for a California-based brain tech company, she discovered her passion for natural stimulants, plant medicine and their therapeutic properties for mental and physical optimization. This was catalyzed during her time as the co-founder of Uncle Ed’s Damn Good Vodka where she became sober-curious in 2018 on a meditation retreat in Northern California and realized that drinking culture needed a radical shift. Harnessing her breadth of experience, whilst indulging in her passion for all things beverage, wellness and plant medicine, she founded bonbuz, setting out to revive the spirits industry and what it means to drink together in the modern age.
about the brand:
from the first sip to the morning after - bonbuz brings you a deep sense of resonating nostalgia - that stress-free heart flutter you had before adult-xiety took over.
where to get it:
what I slurped:
I tried both the OG and the Slowburn!
more info:
bonbuz is a truly unique slurping experience with both bottles. They mix really well, and promote an exploratory fun personality in their branding and taste. Be on the lookout for what is coming down the pipeline from them!