Episode description
So....we finally got around to drinking some IPAs on the podcast. Us not being the biggest fans of IPAs in general, it went almost as expected. Though, there were some surprises. I'm not sellin' it here, am I? Anyhow...as always, we had some great laughs, and suspect there's some good info here for IPA newbies and veterans alike. Enjoy!
You can drink along with us by checking out pics of the bottles, cocktails, recipes, and other fun stuff on instagram, facebook, or twitter at: @pourjudgmentpodcast
Please drink responsibly. Do not drink and drive! There are plenty of ways to get yourself around town to enjoy some tasty beverages without endangering yourself or others. Plus, a DUI is expensive and not worth the risk!
Otherwise, we hope you enjoy this episode. And always be sure to exercise Pour Judgment!