Dating apps getting sued? Financial columnist scammed out of $50k? Ali & Erica reading a book about manifesting? We’re rounding up the week’s most unbelievable stories on this week’s episode. Tune in for our (non-lawyer) verdicts on the dating app case, our advice for future scam attempts, and the kickoff to the next few weeks of attempting to manifest using the book E-Squared by Pam Grout.
In Updates, Erica has a second date with Lemon Drop (official nickname locked in), but isn’t sure she wants a third. Meanwhile, Ali attends a singles mixer where the odds are decidedly not in her favor.
Timestamps: Topic talk begins at around minute 45.
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Have a scam to report? Leave a voicemail at 929-888-7184 about your potential scam and we will weigh in!
Thanks to this week’s partners:
Factor: Head to and use code fmh50 to get 50% off.
Recess: Get 15% off Recess Mocktails now at so you can enjoy your favorite cocktails without the consequences.
Stitch Fix: Try today at, and you’ll get 25% off when you keep everything in your Fix.