Ali & Erica are continuing our fertility series with a third installment this week, welcoming Jordana Abraham back to the pod. In this deeply vulnerable episode, Jordana opens up about her fertility journey navigating pregnancy loss and the IVF process. We discuss the emotional toll this has taken and how she’s handled each step along the way.
In Updates, Ali receives an unsolicited exit interview from a prior date and Erica has an update on her disappointing colleague.
Where to find Jordana: On Instagram @jordanaabraham, on TikTok @jordana_abraham, and on the Baby Steps Podcast.
Timestamps: Jordana joins us at around minute 25.
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Thanks to this week’s partners:
Factor: Head to and use code fmh50 to get 50% off.
OneSkin: Get 15% off OneSkin with the code FMH at
Recess: Get 15% off Recess Mocktails now at so you can enjoy your favorite cocktails without the consequences.