Ali & Erica are starting a long-awaited series, race and dating, and we kick things off as Erica interviews Ali about her experiences as a multiracial woman. Ali relates what it was like growing up in mostly-white spaces, how that impacted her world (and self) view, and ultimately her dating life. We look forward to more episodes in the future digging into various aspects of this vast topic!
In Updates, Erica is disappointed (understatement of the year) by a new acquaintance and Ali has quite the energy shift from last week.
Timestamps: Topic talk begins at around minute 35.
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Thanks to this week’s partners:
Apostrophe: Save $15 and get your dermatologist-crafted treatment plan for just $5 at and use code FMH.
Sunset Lake CBD: For 20% off all products, go to and use code FMH20.
Recess: Get 15% off Recess Mocktails now at so you can enjoy your favorite cocktails without the consequences.
Factor: Head to and use code fmh50 to get 50% off.