What is masculinity, anyway? How can you identify someone with healthy masculinity? How about someone who wants to equitably divide the mental load of a relationship? Rachel Sievers, M.S. - retired psychotherapist and host of The Answer To Everything Podcast - is here to help.
In Updates, Erica gets set up from an unexpected place and Ali goes on a surprise first date. We also debate a potential scam that Ali discovered at a singles mixer!
Where to find Rachel: On Instagram @rachelsieversms, on TikTok @rachelsieversms at www.arrivecoachandcounsel.com.
Timestamps: Rachel joins us at around minute 30.
If you'd like to hear our personal updates before everyone else as well as other exclusive content, join The Search Party on Patreon: www.patreon.com/findingmrheight . And, if you want to send in a "weird or nah" suggestion, share your own phone throwing moment, ask a question, or have general feedback, you can do it all at www.findingmrheight.com/podcast
Have a scam to report? Leave a voicemail at 929-888-7184 about your potential scam and we will weigh in!
Thanks to this week’s partners:
Sunset Lake CBD: For 20% off all products, go to sunsetlakecbd.com and use code FMH20.
Factor: Head to factormeals.com/fmh50 and use code fmh50 to get 50% off.
Beis: Go to BEISTRAVEL.com/FMH for 15% off your first purchase.
Drizly: Download the #1 alcohol delivery app today by visiting Drizly.com.