Your calls have been answered…Matchmaker Maria is back on the pod!! We’re answering all sorts of listener questions, Ask A Matchmaker style. For example: how do you balance a hoe phase with dating intentionally? What should you learn about someone before sleeping with them? And so much more…
In Updates, Ali has an awesome first date with Mr. Worldwide (no, not that one) while Erica has a good * start * of a first date with The Heartbreaker.
Where to find Maria: On Instagram @matchmakermaria, on TikTok @realmatchmakermaria, at
Timestamps: Maria joins us at around minute 33.
If you'd like to hear our personal updates before everyone else as well as other exclusive content, join The Search Party on Patreon: . And, if you want to send in a "weird or nah" suggestion, share your own phone throwing moment, ask a question, or have general feedback, you can do it all at
Have a scam to report? Leave a voicemail at 929-888-7184 about your potential scam and we will weigh in!
Thanks to this week’s partners:
Sunset Lake CBD: For 20% off all products, go to and use code FMH20.
Last Bottle Wines: Sign up at and 10% off your first order with code FMH.
Prose: Take your FREE in-depth hair consultation and get 50% off your first subscription order today! Go to
Recess: Get 15% off Recess Mocktails now at so you can enjoy your favorite cocktails without the consequences.