Ali & Erica are joined by Zach, a 30-something man whose friends are managing his Hinge profile. We talk about how (and why) this arrangement came to be plus what he’s learned from having someone else set up his dates. And, has it been a success? Listen and find out!
But first, Erica and Ali continue to update on outcomes from Dating App Sunday. In particular, Ali has a wild Saturday with 2 first dates plus a singles mixer.
Want to be set up with Zach? Email with a screen recording or screenshots of your profile to kick things off.
Timestamps: Zach joins us at around minute 33.
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Thanks to this week’s partners:
Sunset Lake CBD: For 20% off all products, go to and use code FMH20.
Apostrophe: Save $15 and get your dermatologist-crafted treatment plan for just $5 at and use code FMH.
Factor: Head to and use code fmh50 to get 50% off.
Drizly: Download the #1 alcohol delivery app today by visiting