Welcome to "Shattering Silences," a thought-provoking episode of the #GlobalCitizenshipInPractice podcast, hosted by Melton Fellows Breyunha Smith from New Orleans, USA, and Camila Farías from Temuco, Chile. In this episode, we delve into an urgent global issue and address SDG #3 by bringing awareness to the alarming rates of youth suicide in both Chile and the USA.
Join us as we engage in a candid conversation, highlighting personal insights, and data-driven perspectives. By examining the parallels and disparities between Chile and the USA, we hope to create a platform for dialogue, understanding, and ultimately, change.
"Shattering Silences" is an episode that goes beyond statistics, challenging societal norms and shedding light on the significance of mental health advocacy. Whether you're a concerned citizen, mental health professional, or someone seeking to make a difference, this episode will equip you with valuable knowledge and inspire you to take action.
Let's break the silence surrounding youth suicide rates and work together toward a world that nurtures the well-being of our young generation.