Episode description
As is our tradition, the end of the year means it’s time for a look back at the best bird books published this year. Once again, 10,000 Birds book reviewer Donna Schulman joins me to talk about our favorites. Donna and I each share our Top 5, including field guides, family specific guides, and narratives from well-known authors and publishers.
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Donna's Top 5
1) Oceanic Birds of the World - Steve Howell & Kirk Zufelt 2) Peterson Reference Guide to Sparrows of North America - Rick Wright 3) Mastering Bird Photography: The Art, Craft, & Technique of Photographing Birds and Their Behavior - Marie Read 4) Urban Ornithology: 150 Years of Birds in New York City - P.A. Buckley, et al 5) Ruby's Birds - Mya Thompson (author) & Claudia Dávila (illustrator) Nate's Top 5 1) Oceanic Birds of the World - Steve Howell & Kirk Zufelt 2) Peterson Reference Guide to Sparrows of North America - Rick Wright 3) A Season on the Wind: Inside the World of Spring Migration - Kenn Kaufman 4) Peterson Field Guide to Bird Sounds of Western North America - Nathan Pieplow 5) ABA Field Guide to Birds of Wisconsin - Chuck Hagner