Go Under the Musical Influence of Boyd Headley answering 9 Questions about his Musical Self.
It All Started at 5 with a Toy Drum Set in the Northern Neck, Richmond County to Virginia Beach, Virginia and Many Places InBetween!
It was Not long before Boyd was in a Band. Boyd has Played Everything from Gospel to Southern Rock, Jazz to R&B & Funk.
Do you Know the Avengers? (Not like This!) Are You in Total Control? (No, Not like that!) Do you have an X Lover? (Not what you are thinking!)
How about These Drummers? Buddy Rich? Jean Cooper? Louie Bellson? Some of Boyd's Drumming Heroes!
What about Singer, Song Writers? The Eagles? Willie Nelson? Leonard Cohen?
Have you Heard a Quadraphonic 8 track Stereo Car Stereo?
Have You Ever Invented or Made an Musical Instrument? Boyd Has with his Grandfather.
Music Discussed from Muddy Waters, The Rolling Stones, Miami Sound Machine to Molly Hatchet, Lynyrd Skynyrd and More!
Find Out More About the Band that Intro's & Outro's the Show!
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Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo
S1 E2 - Bryan 'T' Gifford