It's vitually impossible nowadays to buy something online with being offered to split up your payment over multiple installments over a 2-3 month period. These companies like Afterpay, Affirm, and Klarna seem to be taking the online shopping world by storm and offer an enticing no fee and no interest option to get what you want the moment you want it without having to wait. But even though these services can be enticing to many and useful in some situations, that doesn't mean they come with their fair share of pitfalls and dangers.
In this week's episode of The Money Love Podcast we're diving deep into the topic of buy-now-pay-later services. I'm sharing scenarios where I think it makes sense to use them, when you shouldn't use them, factors to consider that may make you rethink using them moving forward, and three questions to ask yourself the next time you're tempted to split a purchase over time. Enjoy!
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